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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Will Conservatives Get Decimated At Euro Elections?

Subtle pitch from Chris H-H to be elected as leader of the Conservative delegation to the EU Parliament today. Cameron loyalty on environment. Hague loyalty on Movement for European Reform. The real message is the need to push for the EPP exit.

The unspoken aspect to this is of course how well do Conservative MEP's think Farage will do as UKIP leader. If UKIP pull another blockbuster vote in 2009, some conservative MEP's can expect to be shifted out.

Surely it would be better to move allegiance over to Chris H-H and build a Conservative eurosceptic UKIP-proof platform, than plug on with Kirkhope and end up as casualties of Hague's fudge.

Chris H-H can afford to lead a rebellion against Kirkhope as he's alreday got one foot in the Conservative MEP lifeboat. It all depends on how big Conservative MEP's think the anti-Conservative UKIP vote will be with UKIP under Farage.

If I was a Conservative MEP interested in saving my skin, I'd back Chris H-H.

The last thing Cameron needs is a drubbing at the Euro elections in 2009, which he is in danger of incurring, what with Hague's fudge, and Farage's clarity. Cameron needs the eurosceptics to get control of the Conservative delegation to the EU Parliament.

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