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Thursday, December 21, 2006

according to the Guardian poll of voting intentions, g\Greens come more from labour than Conservative, and UKIP comes more from Conservative than Labour.

If we stem any haemorrage to UKIP (How do you spell that word?), a Green party surge would hurt Labour more than us, and the growth of the minor parties need not harm us.

Is that why John Redwood and IDS have been brought out of the shadows recently - to address the anger generated by the Polly Toynbee play, and the lift provided to Nigel Farage? It would be quite a coincidence if it were not.

To FM, why are so many selections on the A List bringing in Europhiles? Isn't the story of Bromley that Conservatives will no longer vote for Europhiles? Is Francis Maude manilpulating the A Lists to bring in the maximum number of europhiles that he can - and is that why Bernard jenkin was sacked from making the slections - the only eurosceptic amongst the selection panel?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Cameron And The End Of The EU

Report on Conservativehome suggests that Cameron has persuaded the Barclay Brothers, owners of The Telegraph to provide him and the Conservatives with solid editorial support.
Cameron seems able to swing people behind him when he meets them face to face. That's a great skill. He appears to be offering nothing in terms of favours in return for support as he wins backers in the media and elsewhere.

Blair managed to get all behing him but only by agreeing to everything his targets requested. To the EU he promised the Euro. To Bush he promised unconditional support for the Iraq War. To others he promised all kinds of things most of which he failed to deliver - e.g PR to Paddy Ashdown.

Being tradeable for favours, in particular made Blair the all time favourite for Rupert Murdoch. According to Lance Price, Murdoch has more or less controlled Britain's relations with the EU 'under' Blair.

It is pleasing that Murdoch is finding Cameron less of a sucker, and Murdoch is having to learn respect for Cameron, even if that means he is taking the occasional pot shot at him to see if he can bowl him over. Murdoch must be beginning to realise that taking pot shots at Cameron could soon become a highly counterproductive strategy in terms of hanging on to all his media/sports privileges.

The EU is the fountain of power in Murdoch's mindset, and he imagines that if he keeps the EU sweet, all will flow for him in the UK. But with Turkey's accession now stalled, Italy's ability to remain within the eurozone in doubt, and France/Germany talking of consolidating a central EU bloc, allowing others to choose how far they want to be 'in' the game is opening up a new era of Europe a la carte.
(See Roger Helmer on Segolene Royal's proposals about the EU - http://www.rogerhelmer.com/straighttalk58.asp)

Power could swing quickly back to Westminster under a new Conservatiove government with the EU reaching a period of less certainty as to how to stabilise let alone progress.

Murdoch has seen the light about Gordon Brown. Only Paul Dacre is getting that one completely wrong still. He will have to retract on that front or look pretty foolish before long, with the Brown/EU era of big government/centralisation about to crack, and power about to swing back the other way. Cameron is the vanguard.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Belgian TV Warns Of Civil War

Belgium thought that Belgium was finished yesterday. The RTBS1 main French language channel broke the programme in progress to announce that a coup d'etat had occurred, the king had left the country for his safety with the army, and the Flemish had taken over the country.

People panicked. 5000 people called the TV Channel and everyone called each other on their mobile phones.

After 40 minutes, RTBS1 then admitted that it was only a fiction, and that they had done it because they wanted people to realise how dangerous the Flemish separatist movement was becoming, and they wanted people to discuss how horrific it would be if the country split.

The Flemish need the water and the electricity from the French side, but they are sick of the foreigners in Brussels and elsewhere engaging in so much crime.

Today, now people realise the programme was a 'hoax', it's all calm again, and people are relieved. But yesterday they had a powerful shock.

The Flemish separatists are growing in power, insulting the Royal family at every opportunity. People compare them to the Nazis as they have a powerful far right politcal base.

The TV 'hoax' was an attempt to stop the advance of the Flemish breakaway movement.

It was meant to be a warning of what could happen...and an attempt to demonstrate the importance of the EU to Belgium. But disorder and crime in Belgium is out of control. Mirrroing the progress of the BNP in Britain, it is the collapse of civilised standards in society that is driving the collapse of the previous political consensus.

The Human Rights Laws that underlie the EU are the cause of the problem. It is no good just suppressing the growing anger in law-abiding communities. One day it will explode, as the TV hoax tried to show. It is essential that fear and punishment is reintroduced into the criminal justice system. The EU is not the cure but the cause of the problem.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Has Cameron Pulled Murdoch?

The political geography is moving this week. First Rupert Murdoch, who's been sycophantically supportive of Gordon Brown for a long while, openly criticised him in the Sun and the ST last weekend.

political betting

That gave a clue that someone must have done a deal with Murdoch to replace Brown as the man most likely to ....keep Murdoch in possession of his privileged media and sports market positions.

also telegraph

and times

And yet there was no indication in the ST as to which direction Murdoch's support might be swinging.

Later on in the week, another significant event has happened - the opening up of Cameron's pitch to the Right.


Quite noticeably David Cameron has opened up operations on the right flank after denying that this would be necessary only a year ago.

The question in my mind is whether Cameron feels safe to move right because he knows that he will be getting enough media support. So far Murdoch has not been favourable to Cameron, saying he didn't think 'much' about him. Cameron has not been willing to brown nose the EU, and that has been enough to keep Murdoch onside with Brown.

Do the above movements of the political tectonic plates indicate anything?

The EU seems to be splitting. Royal is talking of an 'a la carte' Europe where France and Germany press ahead with the Constitution and others can choose if they want to join or not. The accession of Turkey looks increasingly doubtful, as well as further expansion of the EU. Italy is on the verge of breaking out of the Euro. Are the pressures holding the EU in place at last starting to unravel?

Is Murdoch starting to look beyond the EU as the principle power source that controls his affairs in Britain? If he is starting to think 'beyond the EU' that would explain why he's thinking of dumping Gordon Brown, and could also indicate that he will be backing David Cameron before too long.

There might be other explanations than this for what we are seeing this week, but my mind cannot yet create any other likelier scenarios.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Toynbee Impoverishes Millions

Give people a start in life and some will grab the opportunity and build from there. Others will take what's on offer and then sit around waiting for the next handout.

In fact, in Britain, about 80% are the latter. Only 20% become the former and get going.

The 80% tend to vote left wing. The 20% right.

The deprivation of the 80% these days is not material. It is mental. The ones who help themselevs and their families feel a strong sense of purpose and self worth. Those who cannot get themselves started as it is made too easy to get by, suffer from low self worth, and no sense of purpose.

The mistake of the left is to focus 100% on money. Toynbee deprives the very people she claims to help. Millions are being needlessly supported by the state. If that support hadn't been there, they would have had to get going with helping themselves out of necessity. Most would have discovered a wonderful thing that no one thinks about these days - a feeling of self-respect. Toynbee is depriving millions of psychological and social fulfilment. That is the greatest of all poverties - never to feel good about yourself.

Prescott Will Outlive Blair

Prescott is untouchable. He fucks up. No consequences. His story is yet to be told. He’s the shadow Prime Minister of Britain. Blair and Brown are a cover for what’s really going on.

Prescott’s running the Civil Service preparing it for takeover from Brussels, all on the quiet. The shadow organization which trains Civil Servants with the coming government of Britain from Brussels is called ‘Common Purpose’.

Britain is a pseudo-democracy where Prescott is the unmoveable EU Gauleiter who cannot be evicted from office. He will outlive Blair, no worries.

Trad Tories, Steady Your Nerves, Lads!

Toynbee play from Cameron makes him ever more popular - while traditional Tories who don’t realise it’s all a PR game go off in a huff and say they intend to vote UKIP.

It’s not Cameron who needs a Plan B. He’s doing very well. It’s Conservatives who want more traditional policies. They would do better to deselect europhile candidates and MP’s within the Conservative Party than run off to UKIP wastelands. Cameron has shown himself willing to challenge the Europhiles but he will need 100% support from the trads to take them on. If they run off to UKIP, they only delay the inevitable battle and help their enemies. Cameron should not ’sort’ the europhiles until he’s secured power. Any other strategy would be suicidal. Trad Tories should steady their nerve and stay with Cameron.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Quiet Man Will Speak For A Century

IDS was out of his depth as leader (we are told), but at that moment (2001) the Conservative Party was in danger of falling into europhile hands - whether the openly europhile Ken Clarke - or the cryptically europhile Portillo. We should be eternally grateful to IDS that he barred the way to Clarke and Portillo for over two crucial years from his election in 2001 until his assassination in October 2003. If he hadn't done that, the Party would have been finished.

IDS founded the Conservative Social Justice movement, and it was during his leadership that the Policy of Direct Democracy and Localism came to the fore. Cameron is son of IDS. It is thanks to IDS that we are still here. Was he a great leader?

He lead us through our time of greatest danger. Isn't that the key role of leadership? I rank him as one of the Party's greatest leaders, although apparently he was out of his depth. He was strong becasue he had unmoveable values and beliefs, while everyone else around him was tradeable for position. He will be seen as the crucial link between the Thatcher Conservative Party and the more 'modern' Party that comes along now. People are far more interested in values again now chastened by war experience and terrorism. In 2001 no one gave a toss. The good times rolled.

IDS crucially won and equally crucially held on just long enough to see off Ken Clarke and Portillo, and we now have a chance of winning power once more and rebuilding the damage done by NU Lab to our country. It will be IDS' achievement as much as anyone's when we do.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cameron Will Get Britain Out Of The EU

Cameron got the backing of the media to win the leadership by pretending to be the next Blair. He got the full backing of Alastair Campbell's media, which was no mean achievement. The media thought they'd bought the next EU-supporting cultural marxist, sending Liam Fox (who I supported) packing.

Trouble is that to keep the media behind him he's had to not talk about Europe - because if he did, he'd expose a truth which would shock the media writers that he now needs in order to win power.

So Ken Clarke's allowed to blather on about EU-yawn-making rubbish, and Hague's allowed to produce yet more EU-Hague EPP/MER/XXX fudge and write barmy pieces about we're all going to die if we don't stay in the EU.

Cameron is right. First he has had to win the leadership. Then he must win power. Doing that requires allowing some other half baked idiots like Clarke, Hagiue to continue in the team. Murdoch is against Cameron as Cameron is not brown-nosing the EU. He's got to get the Guardian/Observer/Express and as many other non-Murdoch titles if he can. And this sector likes all that Toynbee-tickling stuff.

UKIP will not help Britain get out of the EU. Cameron will.

Gordon Brown's A Lady In Waiting

Why the surprise that Murdoch's Sunday Times is criticising Gordon Brown.. Brown has always been an incompetent jerk, kept in place purely because he made even Blair look half useful. With Blair going, why would Labour keep Brown on for heaven’s sake. Look at him. He’s completely wrecked after grubbing out his position for ten years against all other pretenders to Blair’s favour. He’s the top courtier sure, but that’ all he ever was - a courtier - and a pretty nasty one too.

Murdoch's EU Blind

4 full pages of the Sunday Times are dedicated to the LItvinenko affair. Not one word mentions the fact that LItvinanko and Scaramella have both made significant revelations about KGB penetration into Italy and the EU. It is farcical.

To cap that, there is an article announcing a consumer boom in Germany with pictures of dancing girls smiling, taken from the chorus line in The Producers - a fantasy film/theatre about an intended flop becoming a sell-out. How appropriate! The EU is exactly the opposite. An intended success which has become a disaster. Germany's mini-boom is nothing but consumers buying all they can before VAT rises from 19 to 22%.

Italy is completely bust. France is on her economic knees.

But good old Rupert Murdoch whose business depends on the EU Competition Commissioner not dismantling his illegal TV and Sports monopolies, cannot see anything other than the EU as a success story, where the Commission is KGB-free, not corrupt, and where the economy is not a basket case. I never thought that Mel Brooks (in character) and Rupert Murdoch would end up in the same category - living in totally false reality.

At least Mel Brooks admits to his audience that it's all a bit of nonsense. Murdoch expects millions to read his rubbish and somehow be too polite to notice.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Scaramella Framed


Felshtinsky said: “When I talked to Alexander around 12 November about who poisoned him, we were talking only about the Italian guy Mario. He was sure at this time that it was Mario. He was telling me that he was in a scheme.”

Yeah. Right. So all the news reports last week blaming the Russians are now out of date. Funny how quickly news tires these days. They are now stitching up Scaramella, as he's the other person the FSB and the EU want silenced.

Mario and Alexander produced a video together exposing all that Litvinenko knew. Now they say Mario kills Alexander. Seems like a good way to silence the two people brave enough to speak up about the KGB's penetration of the EU. First kill Litvinenko and then frame his partner. Tidy job.

Murdoch's being a good EU boy and going with the latest government narrative, which like all previous Litvinenko narratives does nothing to tell about Litvinenko's revelations. Playing around with the whodunnit aspects mesmerises the public, and nicely avoids the key issue - which is not who killed LItvinenko, but what did Litvinenko say - apart from Romano Prodi was the KGB's top agent in Italy and the EU, and that the KGB blew up all the tower blocks and not the Chechens.

MOSCOW LATEST - Reuters - MOSCOW (Reuters) - Dmitry Kovtun, a contact of poisoned Russian ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko, is suffering from acute radiation poisoning, Interfax news agency said on Friday, citing his medical notes. "Kovtun has been found to have an acute form of
Source: today.reuters.com

I know! Scaramella poisoned him too!!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Roger Helmer is Britain's Top MEP

Roger Helmer is Britain most successful MEP at achieving publicity. See the analysis on.http://openeuropeblog.blogspot.com/2006/12/your-mep-hot-or-not_05.html

Mario Scaramella would like to send Roger all his best wishes and congratulations, and point out that the KGB are very well connected in the EU. Ever since Romano Prodi, Italy's top KGB agent was Head of the EU Commission, Russia has been happy to support the EU slogan - 'Ever Closer Soviet Union'.

It's really unkind of them to murder Litvinenko for revealing which Italian Left Wing politicians work for the KGB. And Scaramella is being given a jolly hard time of it too. The Italian Police have seized all his computers and documents to try to stem the flood of information coming out. They're wasting their time.

Roger Helmer knows where right and wrong lie, and nothing will silence his decade long campaign to get Britain out of the whole bloody mess. David Cameron's making speeches about withdrawing Britain from the Social Chapter, and the Common Agricultural Policy. Roger must tell him that in fact these are not EU projects at all but KGB operations to crush the European economy.

Less 'OK Yah' Please Cameron

The troubles in the Constituencies show that many places like Chester are not buying Cameronism. This is the problem with letting Maude and the modernisers run the show in 100% Southern Public School accents. Cameron has to get more Northerners - or even Midlanders - running the Party. They don't see that the Polly Toynbee stuff is all just good play with little substnce. Cameron is right for the North. It's just that he has to wear Northern clothes as well as appeal in the South. David Davis could become more visible or Liam Fox. It's time the Portillistas were sidelined a bit. They are a small clique. It is divisive to the Party to give them so much clout. Let's hear some more regional accents up top, and less 'OK Yah'.

KGB in the EU - No Smoke Without Fire

FROM ITALY - Police in Naples last night seized documents and computers from the home of Mario Scaramella, the self-styled Italian defence consultant who was with Litvinenko when he was poisoned, after prosecutors accused him of “illegally dumping waste”.
Mr Scaramella claims he has evidence that leading Italian left-wing politicians are agents of Moscow.

The fact is that Scaramella knows something that the Italian Police and the EU want kept secret. No doubt they are looking for copies of the film which Scaramella and Litvinenko produced together listing out what Litvinenko knew. Hopefully he has made multiple copies and they are spread far and wide. One day the public might find out what's going on with Romano Prodi and the KGB's penetration of the EU. But just from the smoke being emitted, you can see that there's a bloody great fire.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tory PPC Signs Up As NEW BOOT

THIS FROM UKIPHOME (which charges £2.50 to register so you cannot discuss free of charge as you can here!)

''From BOO (Better Off Out):
"Gordon Henderson, the Conservative Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, has just become the first Conservative Party PPC to support the BETTER OFF OUT campaign (see his message below). This is very much to his credit, as we are unable to guarantee that UK Independence Party candidates will stand down against Conservative Party candidates at the next election - except in the case of those MPs who have signed up to BETTER OFF OUT.

Naturally, we will try to draw his position on British membership of the EU to the attention of the electorate in his constituency, so that voters may draw their own conclusions and vote accordingly.

It is apparent from Gordon's blog - that his support for freeing Britain from the EU runs deep, as he has written an excellent piece on there, "Time for a Referendum on Europe".

Good on Gordon, but I do hope that Nigel is true to his word and that UKIP stands in this seat as Gordon is not a sitting MP, and with Labour holding a majority of just 79 and UKIP polling 926 votes last time, there is always a chance for people to abuse BOO for political opportunism.

If you really want out of the EU, then you should be standing for a party that has that as a policy.

And before Iain Dale starts ranting that UKIP are "helping Labour", "blocking someone who wants out of the EU" etc, remember that the Tory Party are not going to offer EU withdrawal or a referendum as part of their next manifesto and nothing is going to change that, not 10, not 20, not even 50 new anti-EU Tory MP's, so what is the point in voting for them if you passionately support EU withdrawal?

If we followed Dale's logic then most Tory voters should switch to voting Labour as they offer much the same policy agenda and are clearly in the best position to deliver it.

Tip: The UKIP leaflets for this seat (and others) should clearly highlight that Cameron has banned any MP who supports EU withdrawal from his front bench team, therefore showing that a vote for an EU withdrawal Tory is a wasted vote as they can never deliver their aim.


If they are, then the idea of Better Off Out becomes redundant. It is clearly a good thing for getting Britain out of Europe if there are large numbers of MP's from all parties who have signed up for withdrawal.''

Within the Conservative Party, there is a long ongoing struggle between the majority who are eurosceptics eurosceptics with a small rump of europhile MP's. The europhiles have immediate back-up from the media and so hold more cards than they should. maggie was assassinated by europhiles in cooperation with the media, as was IDS. Cameron knows that you have to play the eurosceptic game differently. First win power. Then pass laws that challenge EU power. It's subtle tactic which will be cat and mouse all the way. The good thing is that Nigel Farage seems to have a lot more understanding of the strategic issues than any previous UKIP leader.

Scaramella Interviewed on British TV

Scaramella was interviewed on Channel 4 news while lying in his hospital bed, speaking passably good English. 'Did you kill Livinenko?' they asked him. He looked bemused - genuinely.

There was still no questioning as to what he knows about Litvinenko's allegations - especially of KGB penetration into the EU. The media are presenting Scaramella as a figure of suspicion. There is much being done to discredit his record. There is no attempt being made to ask him about what he knows. I guess he's shocked by the amount of discrediting of him going on, and the murder of Litvinenko tends to stop him from splurging what he knows. The media should help and expose as much as they could get him to say. Once the information's out in the public domain, Scaramella would be much safer. The media are cowardly in not asking any penetrating questions from Scaramella, and in their tendency to treat him with suspicion.

The media have an agenda it appears - to protect the EU from damaging revelations. The easy way to do that is to descredit and not protect one of the few people brave enough to expose what is going on. The media are in reality a deceit - as they love to give the impression that they seek only the truth. In reality they are the ones ensuring the truth is never told.

Blair's and Brown's Past Is Catching Up With Them

Rumours are circulating that Yates the Police Officer investigating the Loans For Peerages scandal, is getting close to interviewing Blair. If he cautions Blair, there will be a surge of interest. (See www.politicalbetting.com).

There is also a rumour that Blair's team is raising the stakes on Yates and will insist on multiple resignations in the Police Service if he is so cautioned and use the same determination to exact revenge as Blair and Campbell did over the Hutton enquiry. Is that a realistic scenario?

During Hutton and the Kelly affair, Blair forced the BBC's top brass into mass resignation after Gilligan exposed the sexed up dossier and publicised Kelly's opinions on Iraq. But NuLab at that time controlled the media tightly on a wing to wing uniform basis. Alastair Campbell was at the peak of his powers.

The media now are more split with some titles openly loyal to Gordon Brown, and therefore operating to some extent against Blair - Murdoch notably and the Daily mail under Paul Dacre.

Kelly was buried literally and not one voice came to his aid (Gilligan and the BBC were terrorised into silence and the war went ahead). Yates however, can function in relative freedom while he manoevres against Blair because Gordon Brown and his media support structure is in place. It’s a different era now. In 2003, Blair walked on water, rigged elections, sold peerages (for loans) and not a finger was laid upon him. The problem for Blair and maybe for Brown too is that their pasts are starting to catch up with them.

Yates is very safe if he works with Brown’s backing, and that way Gordon avoids being implemented by the Police in return.

If the Police go after Blair, he will no doubt go for a highly public defence as did Clinton, and he will no doubt ensure that any involvement from Gordon Brown is also given a good airing. That’s when the Es Aitch One Tee will hit the fan, and all these supposed ‘Deputy’ Prime Minister aspirants will spill out into the limelight.

Those putting big money onto Brown are running a much higher risk than they know.

Britain's New Dark Age

The media are now trying hard to discredit Litvinenko - referring to his religious beliefs (Moslem) - and alleging he was involved with malpractice.

Paolo Guzzanti has published the Italian text of an interview he recently conducted with his friend Mario Scaramella, who is currently under observation in a London hospital after being poisoned by polonium-210.

In the interview, Scaramella says the dose of polonium which was administered to him was six times the amount considered necessary in order to be fatal. He states that although he feels well, has no symptoms at present, and his life is not immediately at risk, the doctors have told him it will be at least 5 months before it is known precisely what future course his condition will take, and that even if he survives those 5 months, he will have to consider himself a cancer patient all his life, will have to submit to chemotherapy and avoid exposing himself to sunlight.

Of his recent revelations concerning figures in political life in Italy and Russia, Scaramella says (my translation):

“I can say that all my interviews with Litvinenko, whether related to the work of the Mitrokhin commission or quite extraneous to it took place in front of a television camera and in the presence of myself and Maxim, Alex’s brother, who did the interpreting. In these interviews, Alexander spoke Russian on a freewheeling basis and for many hours.

And why are these interviews coming out precisely now?

“For a very obvious reason: I believe that the United Kingdom investigators bust be able to have every useful element at their disposal in order to find our assassins. It’s clear that if Litvinenko was poisoned, and if I was posioned, that means something: you don’t need a Nobel prize to understand that someone has tried to close our mouths, and that would make a motive, don’t you think?”

Today a rumour has begun to circulate in the press that Litvinenko was probably a vulgar blackmailer. Comments?

“It’s obvious: the prospect of the publication of possible revelations immediately releases a campaign to destroy his credibility: if the man who up till yesterday was a victim and a martyr starts to talk, even when dead, he must at least have been a blackmailer.”

What else do you wish for?

“To have the time to nail down by the use of the truth alone all those who are killing us, whether physically or in terms of our image.”

It seems that in fact he was revealing the penetration of the KGB/FSB into EU countries and the EU Commission. The media is so tightly controlled in Britain that not one paper/TV station dares to go down the line of even thinking if Litvinenko's allegations might be true.

What a farce that liam Fox lectures Russia about its media bias. At least in Russia everyone knows the score. Putin's a murderous barbarian. Here though, they tell us the EU's a bed of roses. I prefer the smell of shit myself.

Trouble is every time I write what I think about the EU, they jam up my blog. It doesn't post or get hits. That's why I run so many blogs now to try to keep one step ahead.

I despised them before the Litvinenko murder, but now the control freaks who run Britain are seen for all they are - a cowardly bunch of assassin-tolerant crooks, who only care about keeping their shit kept hidden from public view. Blair has spawned the new dark Age of Britain, where whistleblowers get murdered and silenced without a murmur.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Scaramella Interview Missing From Tuesday's Papers

Paolo Guzzanti has published the Italian text of an interview he recently conducted with his friend Mario Scaramella, who is currently under observation in a London hospital after being poisoned by polonium-210.

In the interview, Scaramella says the dose of polonium which was administered to him was six times the amount considered necessary in order to be fatal. He states that although he feels well, has no symptoms at present, and his life is not immediately at risk, the doctors have told him it will be at least 5 months before it is known precisely what future course his condition will take, and that even if he survives those 5 months, he will have to consider himself a cancer patient all his life, will have to submit to chemotherapy and avoid exposing himself to sunlight.

Of his recent revelations concerning figures in political life in Italy and Russia, Scaramella says (my translation):

“I can say that all my interviews with Litvinenko, whether related to the work of the Mitrokhin commission or quite extraneous to it took place in front of a television camera and in the presence of myself and Maxim, Alex’s brother, who did the interpreting. In these interviews, Alexander spoke Russian on a freewheeling basis and for many hours.

And why are these interviews coming out precisely now?

“For a very obvious reason: I believe that the United Kingdom investigators bust be able to have every useful element at their disposal in order to find our assassins. It’s clear that if Litvinenko was poisoned, and if I was posioned, that means something: you don’t need a Nobel prize to understand that someone has tried to close our mouths, and that would make a motive, don’t you think?”

Today a rumour has begun to circulate in the press that Litvinenko was probably a vulgar blackmailer. Comments?

“It’s obvious: the prospect of the publication of possible revelations immediately releases a campaign to destroy his credibility: if the man who up till yesterday was a victim and a martyr starts to talk, even when dead, he must at least have been a blackmailer.”

What else do you wish for?

“To have the time to nail down by the use of the truth alone all those who are killing us, whether physically or in terms of our image.”

Will The British Press run the story of Scaramella interview tomorrow? Unlikely. In the British media, Scaramella is becoming a non-person already, and Litvinanko's revelations are definitely not of interest.

Shit Happens - But Only In Russia

What an inconvenience Mario Scaramella is turning out to be. If it wasn't for him, the whole Litvinenko murder could have played easily in the media as an all Russian affair. Russian poison. Russian multi-billionaires. Russian agents. Russian football team mysteriously beating Arsenal, and so on (3 easy chances missed somehow by Arsenal with their normally deadly strike rate).

That's all fine for the media, though - even rigged football matches. Because it fits the news narrative that the British government wants. The government sends detectives to Moscow. It searches BA jets that flew to Russia. They write and talk endlessly about the collapse in democractic standards in Russia and Russia alone All the documentary evidence - the list of bureaucrats, agents and operatives that Litvinenko showed to Scaramella has not only disappeared (so far as we are told), its whereabouts is not even mentioned - in the media.

I wonder why?

Could it be that it might have pointed to a long list of bureaucrats working for Russian interests, high up in the Italian government, and inside the EU Commission? Surely as Scaramella's job was to investigate the KGB's operations in Italy, that would be the information that he would be seeking from Litvinenko.

Litvinenko has spoken to Gerard Batten MEP about the penetration of the KGB into Italy and other European capitals. This is what we are being asked not to think about or imagine by the British media that cannot find any explanation as to why Litvinenko was meeting Mario Scaramella, an Italian - or mention one word that this affair involves any more than just Russia.

Expect more headlines and stories which run along these lines - Litvinenko, Russia, Kremlin, Putin, Poison, Russia. Expect nothing along these lines - Italy, EU, bureaucracy, corruption, murder, poison, treachery, Romano Prodi, The EU Commission, Italy.

The biggest laugh of my day was reading Liam Fox' s comments that Putin was angry with Blair for allowing Litvinenko's dying accusations against him to be published. Fox said that this showed that Putin had no understanding of a free press working in a democracy. Maybe Foxy hasn't noticed, but we are suffering from the same problem. We are being bombarded with a one-sided version of events purely to screen out the bit that matters - the fact that we are in the EU now up to our necks, and that the EU is heavily involved in espionage, corruption and anti-democratic practices. And the British media dares not even look at the situation.

We are living under a big lie in Britain. We are being asked to believe that the EU is a democratic and pure. At least the Russians have no illusions about Putin. They know he's a total shit. We are the mugs being conned and lied to, living in cloudcuckooland. That's the problem with the EU. It's just like the Eurovision song content. Shit never happens in the EU, apparently. Could that be because the whole thing's shit in the first place?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Gordon Brown Adds Jobs Destruction to Pension Wrecking

I wrote a couple of weeks ago that the good thing about being sent to hell (as an employer by NuLab) was that at least things could not get any worse. I was wrong.

Today's Express notifies that Gordon Brown wants to remove the exemption for Privately Owned Businesses from Inheritance Tax, introduced by John Major.

Half of all jobs in the private sector, about 10 million in total are in privately owned businesses, so there goes another couple of million jobs - soon to be eliminated by Brown's wrecking of the private sector continuing apace.

How many businesses can afford to pay out 40% of their value just as the owner, often the founder passes away? Businesses are at their most vulnerable, and can take years to rebalance after the death of the owner. Good old Gordon Brown. He's found a way to turn a setback into a disaster - just as he did with pensions.

Our rate of IHT is the highest in the world at 40%. Brown has failed to keep the value of the tax up with asset inflation so that ordinary houses are now caught up in it. Many countries have eliminated inheritance tax completely or have low rates around 5% - but Gordon Brown is turning Britain into the most socialist ghetto in the world.

China and India are reforming their economies to liberate their private sectors to create hundreds of millions of jobs. Britain meanwhile languishes in an anti-business anti-employment timewarp.

All the efforts of millions of businessmen will now be going into tax avoidance - and not into expanding their businesses. Well done, Gordon Girls Blouse Brown. You've wrecked the rest of the British economy. What would your erstwhile hero Adam Smith have to say about this?

Cameron Loves The EU - Not

Cameron's strategy is a media strategy.

The media objects to a politician talking about immigration or Europe. Portillo for example writes in the ST over and over that the Party must fight on the middle ground and only mention the main issues that concern the public - health and education.

Whether the public cares about immigration or not (of course it does) the media will attack any politician who campaigns on it.

Europe meanwhile only has to silence opposition to become a fact of life.

The BBC backs Europe. Murdoch backs Europe. The Mail backs Brown who backs Europe. The guardian/observer back europe. There is little media left after that.

Cameron is known not to be euro-enthusiastic which is why he gets slammed in the murdoch press. If he opened up on Brussels with all Tory guns blazing, he would be shot down in flames as was Thatcher, IDS before him.

He has to tread warily around the media. Not to mention Ken Clarke and William Hague, who is as keen on the EU as anyone, the charming old fool.

Listen To Litvinenko

The Polonium checks out with Mario Scaramella.

It seems that he too was an intended target of the Sushi Bar poisoning, but he ate nothing and only drank a bottle of water, so escaped the same fate as Litvinenko. Why was he also a target?

According to The TImes, he was involved in a 'Parliamentary investigation in Rome into KGB dirty tricks'. He and Litvienko were both knowledgeable about KGB penetration into the Italian government, and speaking about it.

The key fact not published anywhere in the UK media is Litvinenko's reveletaion that Romano Prodi was the KGB's top man in Italy. Given his time as head of the EU Commission it is safe to assume that the KGB are also active in penetrating the EU.

Are we now being governed directly by organised crime in cahoots with Russian security services? Given the way things are going in Britain, I'd believe anything.

The role of Italy in the Litvinenko murder has so far been ignored by British media. I guess they want to protect the EU from shocking revelations. Litvinenko will probably be rubbished now, and the big money will pay for his memory to be quickly erased.

Those interested in freedom and democracy should not allow his brave revelations to be so easily ignored. Litvinenko tried to warn us, and we should listen.



EU - Government By Organised Crime

Scaramela, the Italian who lucnched with Litvinenko at the London Sushi Bar, was involved in a 'parliamentary investigation in Rome into KGB dirty tricks', (Times today).

It seems as if Scaramela was also an intended target, but he ate nothing at the Sushi Bar and only drank a bottle of water. That provided an assassin with little opportunity to get Scaramela in the same poisoning hit.

Many Italians had much to fear from Litvnenko and Scaramela, given the degree of KGB penetration into Italian government. Scaramela may yet live and talk some more.

Litvinenko has already revealed that Romano Prodi was the KGB's head man in Italy - so penetration of the EU by the KGB has to be likley also. No wonder the media are so keen to portray the Litvinenko murder as an entirely Russian affair.

Blair and the media machine must protect their Brussels overlords from having the ghastly reality revealed. The EU is not only penetrated by organised crime. It is organised crime.

Friday, December 01, 2006

'KGB Penetrate EU' Litvinenko

The Polonium checks out with Mario Scaramella.

For days it has been obvious that the Italians must have had a role in the murder of Litvinenko, and yet all media have been focused 100% on hiding the fact, and promoting the story that the Russians did it.

What have the Italians got to hide, and why are the British media protecting them? Litvinenko told us very simply that Romano Prodi was the head of the KGB/FSB in Italy. He was also head of the EU Commission at the time of the Nice Treaty.

Do the media feel uncomfortable that the EU is penetrated by the KGB?



The EU seems capable of murdering their opponents in mafiaesque manner, just as easily as the Russians. And yet dear old William Hague carries on treating the EU as if it was a Sunday afternoon picnic. The EU threatens our freedoms as well as our national identity and our economy. Not surprising really if it's penentrated by Russians worried by once successful Western economies leaving it behind.