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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hague Pulverises Prescott - and Writes Rubbish.

Reports from today's PMQ show Hague running rings around Prescott. As usual a good performance by hague is recieved with calls for him to become Party leader. I disagree.

Hague is a striker, maybe the best one in the team. But he'll never make a manager. Speaking talent and leadership quality should not be confused. Think of Kevin Keegan as a parallel. Great on the pitch, one of the best in his day, but not a leader from the touchline, so to speak. Hague's much the same.

For evidence see Hague's dreadful piece in the Sunday Telelgraph this week, giving appallingly weak arguments for eliminating nation states in favour of corrupt international bodies.

Support these bodies, was the title, or count the bodies. It was classic Bildeberg nonsense, the secret group that Hague is a longstanding member of.

Hague is a combination of brilliance as a communicator, and debater with pusillanimous strategic sense. Thank God for Cameron. Hague's ability makes him a danger to the Party. He can never see the wood from the trees.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Will Conservatives Get Decimated At Euro Elections?

Subtle pitch from Chris H-H to be elected as leader of the Conservative delegation to the EU Parliament today. Cameron loyalty on environment. Hague loyalty on Movement for European Reform. The real message is the need to push for the EPP exit.

The unspoken aspect to this is of course how well do Conservative MEP's think Farage will do as UKIP leader. If UKIP pull another blockbuster vote in 2009, some conservative MEP's can expect to be shifted out.

Surely it would be better to move allegiance over to Chris H-H and build a Conservative eurosceptic UKIP-proof platform, than plug on with Kirkhope and end up as casualties of Hague's fudge.

Chris H-H can afford to lead a rebellion against Kirkhope as he's alreday got one foot in the Conservative MEP lifeboat. It all depends on how big Conservative MEP's think the anti-Conservative UKIP vote will be with UKIP under Farage.

If I was a Conservative MEP interested in saving my skin, I'd back Chris H-H.

The last thing Cameron needs is a drubbing at the Euro elections in 2009, which he is in danger of incurring, what with Hague's fudge, and Farage's clarity. Cameron needs the eurosceptics to get control of the Conservative delegation to the EU Parliament.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Confused By Cameron. Why?

Cameron is not pushing the Lib Dem agenda. He is appealing to Lib Dem voters, and ex-Lib Dem voters. As most ex-Labour voters (the largest growing sector of floaters) take a pit stop with the Lib Dems before moving on, Cameron is pitching at the largest target market available, and doing well with them.

His problem is the Conservative right wing which shudders at every PR success in the above campaign. On poverty Cameron hasn't gone left wing. He's actually reaffirmed Conservative thinking, and developed it by saying that The State has not the answers to poverty. But no one looks at what he's actually saying - only at the headlines. Of course he sounds left wing. That's the whole idea!

His other problem is the EU-backed Murdoch media. Like IDS and Thatcher before him, unless Cameron bows down to the EU, he'll get a kicking from the Murdoch quarter. The EU Competition Commissioner decides whether Murdoch can keep his media privileges or not. If Murdoch doesn't keep Cameron out of power, the EU might trade with another ambitious entrepreneur, and split away some Murdoch privileges. Will Richard Branson become the next one to prevent Britain escaping the clutches of Brussels?

If Cameron's own people realised why Murdoch was hunting Cameron - because he is alleged to be a europsceptic by those in the know (Ed Balls etc) - they would be very satisfied with his leadership. Meanwhile Farage thinks he's going to pick up lorry loads of Conservative votes. As usual he probably will at the Euro elections. At the GE, Conservatives will return to the fold despite their ruffled feathers.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Who Killed Litvinenko

Police have been examining two meetings Mr Litvinenko had on 1 November - one at a London hotel with a former KGB agent and another man, and a rendezvous with Italian security consultant Mario Scaramella, at a sushi restaurant in London's West End.BBC WEBSITE

The Italian connection is interesting. Litvinenko was told while he was still working for the KGB that Italy's political class was heavily penetrated by the KGB and that the KGB's main agent in Italy was Romano Prodi.(The UKIP MEP Gerard Batten read out these allegations to the EU Parliament. A video from Channel 4 News can be found on the UKIP website. http://www.ukip.org/ukip_news/gen12.php?t=1&id=2749)

Prodi, now Italy's Prime Minister was previously Head of the EU Commission.

He was also involved in the Aldo Moro assassination. He informed Police of the whereabouts of Moro's corpse. When asked how he knew where it had been (the boot of a car), he said that he had received the information in a seance.

Clearly Putin has much to worry about with the investigation Litvinenko was making into the death of the murdered journalist. Putin's statement that there is no evidence of a violent death is obviously macabre and not exactly a balanced view. Putin has to be suspect number 1. But many Italian politicians must fear exposure too. Maybe it was a combined effort.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Gordon Brown Girl's Blouse

DUE TO 'TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES' I'VE RELOCATED. TO www.tapestrytalks.typepad.com

I was back in hospital for three days finishing this evening and will be back again next week until Thursday. Growing up on a dairy farm in the 1950's and 1960's I was comtaminated by insecticide a Polychlorobenzene or PCB. This was used to kill flies and make the calf pens and cow house fly-free. The PCB killed flies by destroying their nervous systems. Of course it also does the same to humans, but a little slower. After fifty years I am showing symptoms of nervous system disorder as a result of a contamination from long ago.

The medical advances made recently are great and can do much to assist where my own nervous system is malfunctioning. Every year has had its problems following on from the original cause of trouble, but with any luck, I should be able to get the remains of the PCB out and rectify some of the damage. The hospital diagnoses which parts of the nervous system are damaged and works out what to do.

While hanging around, I asked the Sun-reading nurse last week what she thought of a few British politicans.

David Cameron? Not doing much.

Blair? She still likes him.

Gordon Brown? 'Girl's Blouse,' she said, ' a follower not a leader.' That's not the line taken in The Sun. She's worked it out for herself.

Monday, November 06, 2006

UKippers Must Remember Why UKIP exists.

A whole branch of UKIP resigned as reported by ian Dale - TEXT

My comment was as follows -

For UKippers to join UKIP, they first need to form the view that the Conservatives are sold out to the EU, so that they can make the Conservatives into the enemy.

Once they've done that, and formed a black and white view of British politics, they then proceed to ensure less eurosceptics get elected to Parliament, and more europhiles do get elected, as any as 25 in 2005 (Booker).

In fact the Conservative Party is a coalition between a large majority of eurosceptics, and a tiny rump of europhiles. The ruophiles have a lot of clout as they can call on immediate media support to attack Cameron if he becomes too eurosceptic on any issue. That's why he allowed Hague to fudge the EPP.

The europhiles assassinated Thatcher and IDS. Any Conservative leader has to jump to their tune to some extent, as there is little choice. The problem is that too many of the activist eurosceptics have abandoned the Party, making it easier for the europhiles to get away with it.

If the efforts that go into keeping UKIP afloat would instead go into attacking europhiles, and running deselection campaigns against them, the results would be significant.

If the europhile rump of MP's was hounded out, Cameron could move to the eurosceptic side much more firmly than he can with Ken Clarke breathing down his neck, Hague fudging the EPP, and pushing the European Reform Movement. Hague should be outed as a false eurosceptic.

If UKIP stood in europhile seats only, it would do more to achieve its objectives, and less to harm them.

The dear folk writing their resignation letter above, have lost sight of what the aim is - to get Britain out of Europe. Who cares about being a Tory pressure group? Being UKIP's turned into a dead end, so they need a new strategy. It's time for Nigel Farage to rethink - and quickly - and he is doing. Or UKIP will lose the current opportunities to swing Cameron further round, never mind the Kilroy Silk thing which is ancient history.

Why are UKippers so slow to advance their thinking? They see themselves as the vanguard of Britain's freedom, but they are in danger of becoming the best allies Brussels has ever had. Dale is right. The Cameron leadership provides a great eurosceptic opportunity. Will Nigel Farage provide the leadership which ensures UKIP are pushing Britain towards the EU exit door? Or will he line up with the outdated UKIP strategy suited to Hague and the John Major era, and which the BBC and the europhiles know and love.

Tapestry Talks

The Tap has been having bit trouble since posting against Murdoch and Gordon Brown. It might all be coincidence. But unable to post any more, I'm trying another blog. I've noticed some people call my blog Tapestry on their links so I've copied that but cannot get the name Tapestry. So I copied Dizzythinks to make Tapestrytalks. I know I'm writing but Tapestrywrites doesn't really sound very good!